Book Chapters of The 1st Jakarta International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (JICoSSH) <div class="w3-example">Book chapters publication made available from research of Jakarta International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (JICoSSH),&nbsp;&nbsp;on&nbsp;15th November 2018. It is published by the&nbsp;Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta.&nbsp;&nbsp;</div> <div class="w3-example"> <p><em>Office:&nbsp;</em></p> <ul> <li class="show">Jl. Rs. Fatmawati, Pondok Labu, Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia 12450&nbsp;</li> </ul> &nbsp;</div> en-US (Firdaus Noor) (Ridwan) Sat, 02 Mar 2019 05:28:29 +0000 OJS 60 UNDERSTANDING THE NEW MEDIA LITERACY IN SPREADING HOAXES AND HATE SPEECH <p>The emergence of the internet and social media has changed the ease of interaction and the position of humans where they are no longer just as consumers, but as producers and distributors of messages. Whatsapp as the top three social media platforms that are widely used in Indonesia is one of the most common social media circulating information on hoaxes and hate speeches. With the massive information circulating on social media, new media literacy has a very significant role. Lecturers as professional and well-educated people should be able to understand, analyze, assess, and criticize every information carried by social media. But lately there have been various cases of misuse of social media involving lecturers to the realm of law. This will be a threat because lecturers are professions that are used as role models and key opinion leaders in the society. Therefore, researchers are interested in understanding the experience of new media literacy in the dissemination of information on hoaxes and hate speech among social media lecturers, especially Whatsapp Group. Jenkins's theory of new media literacy is used in this qualitative research with an interpretive constructivism paradigm. The research method uses Edmund Husserl's classical phenomenology which emphasizes the essence of the subject (human consciousness) and its activities. The results show that Whatsapp Group is used as a form of communication and information exchange. Sharing is caring has a strong influence on lecturers to spread all the information that is on Whatsapp Group. The main reason for disseminating information related to perceptions of interests and usefulness of the information, so that sometimes the lecturers unwittingly spread hoaxes and hate speech.</p> Intan Putri Cahyani ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 03 Feb 2019 02:48:47 +0000 THE EFFECTIVENESS OF WHATSAPP GROUP CHAT FOR INTERNAL COMMUNICATION AT KADOKAWA GEMPAK STARZ™ <p>This study emphasizes on the proliferation of technological devices such as smartphones and the effectiveness of WhatsApp Group Chat in working organization such as Kadokawa Gempak Starz™ for Internal Communication. Technology is applied in work as they aid in solving problems and easy access to information. There were two research objectives which the study seeks to determine. First is to explain the adoption of WhatsApp Group Chat for Internal Communication through Technology Acceptance Model. Second, is to examine the challenges of using WhatsApp Group Chat for Internal Communication. The study employed a research design based on questionnaire with a total number of 120 respondents. Ultimately the findings showed that the respondents find it challenging to use WhatsApp Group Chat for Internal Communication and are on the fence about its usage for Internal Communication as well as the effectiveness to serve as a communication tool for internal Communication at Kadokawa Gempak Starz™, all of these variables will hugely impacted the behavioral intention towards WhatsApp Group Chat in the future.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Nadirah Binti Nissanto ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 03 Feb 2019 03:03:27 +0000 SOCIAL NETWORKING OF WOMEN ONLINE BUSINESS: <p>Social connections through networking events has been some type of common methods on creating new business contacts. Nowadays, business social networking has been transformed from traditional to virtual way of engaging. This transformation is the result of social media and internet services. Therefore, the involvement of women to be part of online business become phenomenal all over the world, especially in Southeast Asia. This study was designed to investigate how women online business create and sustain social networking in online business through case study in Sabah. Women online business have their own way to build and maintain social networking in cyberspace. Through in-depth interview with informants, the uniqueness of relations have been formed with stakeholders. The relationships in this online business exist through modern ways based on internet services. Online trust, all the time connected, word of mouth, sharing pages, promote though testimonies are amongst important aspects to build a good social networking in online business. With a good social networking, women online business believe they will sustain and have the ability to maintain the existence of their business in the cyberspace.</p> Jennifer Yukin, Gusniar Nurdin ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 03 Feb 2019 03:21:07 +0000 THE CITY IDENTITY: A HERO PERSONAGE AS CITY BRANDING <p>Kabupaten Pinrang&nbsp; identifies itself as the Land of La Sinrang (Bumi La Sinrang) and marks its city with many land marks regarding figure La Sinrang as their hero. However, it is not yet known the acceptance of the city residents regarding the determination of that identity. This research is part of the research on the formulation of city branding in Kabupaten Pinrang in the PDUPT scheme of the Ministry of Higher Education Ministry of Higher Education 2018. Data was collected through survey, interviews, observation and literature study. The results showed that La Sinrang as Pinrang Regency's city identity was accepted as a result of policy but not included as a city branding option by young people based on social media.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Eli Jamilah Mihardja, Prima Mulyasari Agustini, M. Bisyri ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 02 Mar 2019 03:34:56 +0000 FACEBOOK AS A MAIN TOOLS OF THE ‘CATFISH’ CRIME: <p>Cyber-crime cases involving women, especially single mothers are becoming one of the most serious social issues. Technological acceleration becomes a new mechanism in making single mothers as a major target of catfish. Catfish can be defined as an individual who uses the second identity to attract the attention of victims of cyber-love crime by giving a perfect shadow to his opponent. The objective of this study is to identify the major factors contributing to the crime of cyber-love from the perspective of the victim's experiences involving five informants through an in-depth interview. The findings show that the main medium used by catfish in trapping single mothers is through Facebook. Meanwhile, the major contributing factors to cyber-crime crimes are categorized into two main themes which are the social environment and interpersonal attraction.</p> Mohd Hanafi Jumrah, Aisah Hossin, Nadirah Nissanto ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 02 Mar 2019 03:48:12 +0000 THE ROLE OF INDONESIAN GOVERNMENT IN IMPROVING COFFEE COMPETITIVENESS IN THE EU-INDONESIA PARTNERSHIP AND COOPERATION AGREEMENT FRAMEWORK <p>Indonesia is a crucial trading partner for the European Union (EU) and vice versa. Indonesia as one of ASEAN member countries contributes 36% of ASEAN's GDP with a population of 255 million (equivalent to almost half the ASEAN population). Indonesia and the EU further strengthen economic cooperation through the framework of the EU-Indonesia Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (PCA) cooperation. In the framework of the collaboration, most of Indonesia's exports to EU countries are in the form of agricultural and plantation commodities. For plantation commodities, coffee is Indonesia's leading export commodity with the potential to increase national economic growth. However, Indonesian coffee production has not been fully able to control EU market share. Although Indonesia is the third largest coffee producer in the world, Indonesia only controls 4.17% of the EU coffee market share. This is because only a small portion of Indonesian coffee is produced based on EU standards such as sustainability standards. Therefore, the Indonesian Government seeks to improve the competitiveness of Indonesian coffee commodities, such as production, quality of coffee, quality standards, human resources, and government coordination with coffee / private sector entrepreneurs.</p> Sindy Yulia Putri, Syahrul Salam ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 02 Mar 2019 04:08:23 +0000 SDG’S IMPLEMENTATION IN LOCAL GOVERNMENT <p>Since dispersion enactment in Indonesia, two third of citizen well being and prosperity are depend on the performance of Local Government, from environment sanitation, such as waste management, to education quality and health services. It all depends on the quality of Local Government public services. SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) is (a) a new development agreement, substitution for MDGs. This agreement effective since 2015 until 2030; (b) a 35 pages document that have been approved by 190 country; (c) contain 17 goals, and 169 development target. SDGs procedure processes are based on inspiration and aspiration of Local Government.&nbsp; Through city association and Local Government in large-scale level, Local Government has been actively participating in SDGs formulation and validation. Therefore to Local Government, the capital and kabupaten government role are important for SDGs. Because there are some facts and validation that justify that.</p> <p>Few of SDGs focus become development underlying principle that consistent with nine main concern programme known as Nawacita, such as human development, education and social welfare, sustainable economics, energy and climate change. SDGs are prolongation from MDGs targets, especially in derivation of mother mortality, derivation of child mortality, derivation of AIDS/HIV, water supply and sanitation coverage. The four unfinished target, cannot be forgotten and neglected, because the targets are also align with some of SDGs goals and target. These are some of the things that Local Government can perform: Action plan, execution committee, institutional, funding, accountability mechanism, and socialization.</p> <p>In the end, Local Government be able to design an accurate and rapid policy thus for impartial Indonesia, a better citizen well being. And also to urge a better government effort to precede with SDGs agenda and utilize civilian to strengthen all the advocacy effort that have been done.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Nunung Hastika Ardiwidjaja ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 02 Mar 2019 00:00:00 +0000 THE ROLE OF MALAYSIAN ONLINE MEDIA FOR ACHIEVING THE SDGS AND THE MALAYSIA’S DEVELOPMENT AGENDA <p>In this presentation I argue that the media are important tools of national development. One way to propel the SDGs into the public sphere and planes of national discourse is through the media because&nbsp; of its ability to hold government accountable to the people. Subsequently, the role of the media in development will be: to serve as nation builders, partners with government, agents of empowerment as well as watchdogs and guardians of transparency. This study used the News Framing theory to examine how Malaysian online newspapers framed the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which also aligns with the 11th Malaysia Plan (2016-2020). Previous research already shows that Malaysians exhibit an intensive online news consumption behavior. This suggests that the Malaysian online newspapers can assign importance to developmental issues and raise them to the planes of national discourse. The significant themes from the findings appeared in five broad themes: economy, education, environment, infrastructure and poverty. These themes intermingled with all the 17SDGs and 11MP. Salience was attributed to Malaysian development agendas through routinely used key words and phrases, news elements and news sources. This suggests that the sampled Malaysian online newspapers served a watchdog role.</p> Nik Norma Nik Hasan ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 02 Mar 2019 04:52:09 +0000